Notification of Intention to Award for Contract Identification ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37

२०८० चैत्र १४

Government of Nepal

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Roads (DOR)

Development Cooperation Implementation Division

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia Nepal, Phase-I (ACCESS)

Babarmahal, Kathmandu


Notification of Intention to Award the Contract

Date of publication: 27 March, 2024


Pursuant to ITC Clause 31.1 of RFP, this is to notify that the Department of Roads, Development Cooperation Implementation Division, ACCESS intends to award the following contract invited through Notice No. ACCESS/1/2080-81 as per following:


Contract No.

Description of Works

Name of the Consultant

Contract Amount (With VAT)



Consultancy Service for Conducting Road User Satisfaction Survey (RUSS) and Preparation of Necessary Reports

M/S Soil Test (P) Ltd. Consulting Engineers- Group of Engineers' Consortium (P) Ltd. JV, Kathmandu, Nepal

NPR 17,98,564.50

Project Director


डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस्