1 |
Notice Regarding Extension of Deadline For Submission Of Expression Of Interest;C.N.RSDPAFII-S-QCBS-2, Foreign Cooperation Branch
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2 |
Notice Regarding Opening of Financial Bids, Bridge Branch
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3 |
REOI for Design Check and Construction Supervision of Bridge Construction in Narayanghat-Mugling Road, RSDP.
सडक विभाग |
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4 |
EOI for Various Consulting Services, GESU.
सडक विभाग |
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Notice Regarding Extension of EOI, C.N.RSDPAFII-S-QCBS-1, RSDP, Foreign Cooperation Branch
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6 |
Notice Regarding Procurement of Miscellaneous Items in DOR, Administrative Unit
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7 |
Notice of Intention to Award the Contract EEAP ADB Loan no. 3260-NEP, ADB.
आयोजना निर्दशनालय (ए.डी.बी.) |
२०७४ भाद्र ०८
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8 |
Notice Regarding Opening of Financial Proposal, C.N.RSDPAF/DOR/HMIS/CONS/01 and C.N.RSDPAF/DOR/HMIS/CONS/02, HMIS-ICT
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Financial Proposal Opening of Detailed Feasibility Study of Road Tunnels. Maintenance Branch.
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10 |
Notice Regarding REOI on Road sector Development Project,Additional Financing II, C.N.RSDPAFII-S-QCBS-1, FCB
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11 |
Standing List 2074_075, RIP.
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12 |
Amendment on BoQ of Minbhawan Building Notice no- 04-073-074, Maintenance Branch
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13 |
Notice for Standing List, ADB.
आयोजना निर्दशनालय (ए.डी.बी.) |
२०७४ साउन ०५
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14 |
मौजुदा सूची
सडक डिभिजन, सुर्खेत |
२०७४ साउन ०४
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15 |
Amendment Notice : Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimation of Department of Road Central Building with Supervision at Min Bhawan Notice no: 04/073/074, Maintenance Branch.
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16 |
Notice Regarding Bid Cancellation C.N.DORMEB/CB/073-74/11, Mechanical Branch
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17 |
LOI to Accept the Proposals of Bridge Under 26 Packages ( RFP Notice no. 01/073/74), Bridge Branch.
सडक विभाग |
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18 |
Invitation for the participation in contract negotiation meeting for package No. BB-159-DSD-073/74-05 , Bridge Branch.
सडक विभाग |
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19 |
First Amendment on RFP Notice No- 07-RIP-073-74_Shortlisting of Supervision Consultants for Mahakali Bridge Construction,RIP.
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20 |
Invitation for the Participation in Contract Negotiation Meeting for RFP Notice no: 01/073/074, Bridge Branch.
सडक विभाग |
२०७४ आषाढ २७
डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस्